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Sabores globais são uma longa tendência nos menus dos restaurantes.

Algumas tendências étnicas ficaram tão integradas na dieta americana que as pessoas nem as consideram étnicas mais.

Neste vídeo a NRA mostra como estas comidas e itens estão inserido na cultura familiar americana.

Aonde eles as comem, e como eles se sentem conforme suas escolhas.

As cozinhas mais conhecidas pelos americanos são a italiana, mexicana e chinesa.

As menos conhecidas são a etiopiana, brasileira, argentina e koreana.

Será que estamos nos esforçando o suficiente?

Um forte abraço e até a próxima!


  • Italian, Mexican and Chinese are the top three cuisines in terms of familiarity, trial and frequency of eating.

  • Ethiopian, Brazilian/Argentinian and Korean are the three least known cuisines.

  • Cuisines most commonly eaten on-premises in restaurants are sushi, Thai, Vietnamese, Brazilian/Argentinian, Greek and Southeast Asian.

  • Chinese is by far the most common cuisine for restaurant takeout and delivery, followed by Ethiopian, Mexican and Italian.

  • 66 percent of consumers eat a wider variety of ethnic cuisines now than five years ago.

  • 80 percent consumers eat at least one ethnic cuisine per month.

  • 17 percent of consumers eat seven or more cuisines on a monthly basis.

  • 29 percent of consumers tried a new ethnic cuisine in the last year.

  • Restaurants are the primary point of access for trying new cuisines, as well as the source where frequent eaters typically get their ethnic food.

  • 85 percent of consumers say they prefer to eat ethnic cuisine in a restaurant focused on that cuisine.

  • 75 percent of consumers say they like it when restaurants with mainstream menus also serve ethnic cuisine.

  • 25 percent of consumers like trying unconventional ingredients like snails, brains or ants.

  • 56 percent of consumers customize ethnic cuisine dishes to fit their taste.

  • 43 percent of consumers say the ethnic foods they like to eat are tied to their ancestry or heritage.

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